Best WordPress Hosting 2014

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms, powering millions of websites around the web. GreenGeeks, as a recognized WordPress hosting provider, have always tried to offer the best services to all of our clients. In spite of a crowded WordPress hosting market, GreenGeeks still continues to mark its presence. Our WordPress hosting services are the best combination of security, ease of use, reasonable price, and superb services. Not only the new WordPress website owners but many of the old ones have switched to our WordPress hosting services.

Here are some of the reasons which prove GreenGeeks is one of the best WordPress hosting providers in 2014:

One-click Installation:

Our one-click installation program helps clients set up the entire environment with a single click of the mouse. We offer a 1-click WordPress installer to make the process as quick and easy as possible. This saves you hours of setting up configuration files manually.

Low Cost:

There is no other place where you can find high-quality hosting services at such reasonable prices. Our reasonable prices are one of the top reasons hundreds of businesses around the country are switching to our hosting services.

Money Back Guarantee:

Our WordPress hosting is backed by an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee that covers all the cancelations in case clients are not satisfied with our services for any reason. Therefore, we provide freedom to our clients to try our services and then go ahead. Not many companies offer such amazing money-back guarantees.

Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth:

Our WordPress hosting plans, which are unlimited, do not come with any hidden limits. We provide the necessary amount of disk space, with room to grow, so that a lack of resources does not become a stumbling block to your website’s success.

WordPress Ready Servers:

The best thing for clients who are launching their new WordPress websites is our WordPress ready servers. This saves a great amount of time and reduces the hassle too. Our servers exceed the minimal technical requirements that are needed for WordPress, which ensure you won’t face any problem in the future.

Fast-loading Servers:

We provide you with non-crowded servers which ensure that websites load fast. Our local RAID-10 SSD storage arrays ensure blazing fast access to data. At GreenGeeks, we focus on delivering an amazing experience to visitors with fast-loading WordPress websites.

99.9% Service Uptime:

By promising our clients a 99.9% service uptime, we ensure that your visitors won’t go to your competitor’s site. This saves clients from the heavy loss which they could incur due to the non-availability of their website.

Secure Servers:

Security is one of the major criteria for people to select their hosting providers. WordPress is a very popular platform and the security vulnerability becomes well known, therefore we provide you with powerful security options. As soon as any new update is available on the WordPress official website, we download the code from there and upgrade our client’s website accordingly. Real-time security scanning with the use of advanced mod_security rules ensures that common and well-known threats are neutralized before they can cause a problem. We also use the suPHP for enhanced security of WordPress websites.

Apart from this, we keep a strict check on Cross-site scripting and SQL injections, Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) invasions and other such attacks.

Database Backup:

Database backups are a very important operation that should not be neglected at any cost. There are various conditions which may result in the loss or deletion of data and therefore a backup is needed. At GreenGeeks, we make backups for each and every website so that we can provide you when the need arises.

Tenant Isolation:

One of the common problems people face due to shared WordPress hosting is the non-availability of resources. But with the feature of tenant isolation, we stop others from affecting your website. Many of our clients that switched to our hosting services say that tenant isolation was the reason.

Technical Support:

Our technical team is available 24/7 to help our clients in any technical problem arises. We have a team of highly experienced technical support officers who are well aware of the WordPress hosting services.

These are some of the top reasons why people selected our WordPress hosting services in the year 2014. 2014 has been an incredible year for us with hundreds of new WordPress websites joining our family. We aim to serve our clients with similar dedication and passion. We have some great plans for 2015 too and you can expect some amazing features for our WordPress hosting packages in the future.

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