How to Break Up Post and Page Titles in WordPress

Are you looking for a way to break up your post and page titles in WordPress? Titles are meant to be informative and most importantly, capture the reader’s attention. In WordPress, the title is just a normal single header line. By default, there is no way to break up or split the post and page titles in WordPress.

This is a problem for creative web developers who really want their titles to look unique. Having multiple lines for your title is a great way to stand out and be creative, although it is worth mentioning that very long titles can hurt your website’s SEO. Today, I will demonstrate how to break up post and page titles into multiple lines in WordPress using the Page Title Splitter plugin.

Why Choose to Split Titles in WordPress

You may be wondering why you would want to split post or page titles in WordPress and the answer is simple, to be creative. Having more creative freedom in WordPress, or any other platform is never a bad thing. This is because more options give you a better chance of standing out or capturing the reader’s attention. While very long titles may not be great for SEO, they can still be beneficial if they catch a reader’s eye.

Let’s also accept that, while many titles can be short and concise, there are plenty of titles that cannot be shortened. This is not a bad thing and you should not avoid it if that is the case. For example, let’s say you are a reviewer of video games, movies, or books. Some of these have very long titles and can look awkward if they are not broken up like in the example below:

GreenGeek Movie Reviews: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

As you can see, the title is too long to display on a single line. Instead, using the Page Title Splitter plugin, you can split the title into multiple lines. In our example, you could put “GreenGeek Movie Reviews:” on its own line, and then insert the movie title in the next one.

How to Break Up Post and Page Titles in WordPress

Today, I will demonstrate how to break up post and page titles into multiple lines in WordPress using the Page Title Splitter plugin. The plugin gives you the tools necessary to split your post or page title. This is essentially adding a line break to your post or page title. While you can use this on any title, I recommend using it sparingly because overusing it will take away the wow factor, but it is completely up to you.

Installing Page Title Splitter

Begin with clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New


Search for Page Title Splitter in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Search for Page Title Splitter in the available search box.

Scroll down until you find the Page Title Splitter plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Click on the "Install Now" button.

While there are settings you can change for this plugin, the default ones should work perfectly for most websites after activation. If you do want to take a look at the settings you can find them on the left-hand admin panel. Click on Settings and select the Page Title Splitter option. There are also very detailed directions on how to use the plugin on this page.

Click on Settings and select the Page Title Splitter option.

Using Page Title Splitter

This plugin is extremely easy to use. Go to any existing post or page or create a new one. Near the title of your page or post, you will notice a small square that the plugin adds, click it.

Click on the Square

Your cursor will now place a line break wherever you click on the title. You can use multiple splits in your titles, but make sure they are appropriate. Click anywhere in your title to add a split.

You will now see a dotted line with a triangle at the bottom. You can click the square again to add another split.

You will now see a dotted line with a triangle at the bottom.

This is where the split is. You can move this split anywhere you want. To do so, click on the triangle at the bottom and then click anywhere in the title to move it.

To delete the split, click on the triangle at the bottom. Now click on the red x that is in the square from the previous step.

Click on the triangle to make changes to the split.

You can now view the changes on your website by viewing the live page if you published it, or by checking the preview.

You can now view the changes on your website.

Congratulations, you have successfully learned how to break up your post and page titles by splitting them. This is an extremely useful feature for long titles and can be used to make your titles stand out from the competition.

Catch the Reader’s Attention

The title is the first thing a visitor will see and it is likely what they clicked on to find the page in the first place. It needs to catch their attention, but also be informative. One of the most important things to avoid is click bait. No one likes clicking on click bait titles and not finding anything close to what the title suggests. While it can have short-term benefits, it can make visitors intentionally avoid future content.

Why do you want to split your titles? How easy do you find the Page Title Splitter plugin to use?

3 thoughts on “How to Break Up Post and Page Titles in WordPress”

  1. Hi, this plugin is not working for me. I installed it and it has appeared on my editing pages, I’ve placed the page breaks at the right spots, but they simply aren’t being picked up. We have a custom theme, is it possible that our theme isn’t compatible with the plugin? I really hope I can find a solution and would appreciate any help I can get.

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