How To Create a Git Repository on GitHub

So you have opened a new GitHub account and you want to create your first Git repository. Let’s take a look at the quick steps to creating a Git repository for you to start a project with.

*Please Note: This quick step-by-step guide assumes you have already created a GitHub account, free or otherwise. If you haven’t, then go to and create your free account. Now you are ready for the steps below.

Create a Git Repository

Git repositories allow you to store a number of different types of projects, including open source projects. These open source projects allow you to share code to make better software for everyone.

Let’s create a Git repository in 6 easy steps.

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click on the + mark, and then click “New repository.”
  2. Type a short, memorable name for your repository. Something that you will easily remember for that particular project. For example, “first-project.”
  3. Adding a description comes next and is optional. I recommend it. For example, you can add the description, “My first GitHub repository.”
  4. Now choose whether or not you want to make the repository public or private. As you probably know by now, public repositories are visible to the public, while private repositories are only visible and accessible to you and the people you share them with.
  5. Check the “Initialize this repository with a README” box.
  6. Click on “Create repository.”

Congratulations! You have now successfully created your first repository, and initialized it with a README file. Now you can commit your first change, work on the project, share it, whatever you want.

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